Life always seems more than willing to remind you that if you think things are bad they can always get worse! I'm not sure what this ridiculous plant has against me but we don't agree with each other under any circumstances. It seems so harmless but don't be fooled. At least with me, just one brush of these nasty oily leaves and you're in for some extreme misery! I'm not even quite sure how I got into it yet again since I've avoided it like the plague that it is since my last bout with it. At least my previous poison oak experience was primarily centered on my arms...this time it is concentrated on my ears and the side of my face. Needless to say, I've been grossing out anyone who lays eyes on me with my swollen, Dumbo ear and pussy, oozing blisters on my face! Quasimodo here I come!

I have wanted to take a scrub brush to my face it itches so bad! I thought I would spare everyone and not include pictures :)

All I can say is how grateful I am for a certain cold war chemical engineer, Dr. Robert Smith, who created a waterless cleanser (named Tecnu) capable of removing radioactive dust from skin and clothing. His lovely wife later accidentally discovered that Tecnu was capable of cleansing skin and clothes of the noxious oils from poison oak and ivy. Pretty extreme when you think about it....radioactive dust and poison oak oils being lumped together and remedied by the same substance. This little bottle of milky, white liquid has been my one respite from the itching and swelling. It makes everything seem bearable for about 5 minutes---and then I go back to wanting the scrub brush again :)

On a more positive note, I am ecstatic about General Conference tomorrow! What a blessing it is to listen to our inspired leaders for two whole days! It always feels like such a recharge and helps me put everything back into perspective. I can't think of a better way to celebrate Easter!